Idea & Design: Claudia Siebauer
About CupCats:
What could be more beautiful than a geocoin as a declaration of love to our gentle, fluffy fellows? I love cats! (but also dogs and many other animals, actually all animals, okay I do not like mosquitoes...)
Especially cats often show different characters, it is always fascinating with which habits they surprise their owners. We have 2 cats, which are also very different. Our cat is a real GirlCat (playful, well, naive, ok very naive) and our tomcat is the typical TomCat (very proud, for strangers unapproachable, but purrs when you look at him). Oh, there are still countless characters, so many coins can not be made!
About the Coin incl. Pin:
Size Coin: 50x48x3mm
Black Nickel
Imitation Hard Enamel
Trackable at
Custom Icon
Size Pin: 27x26x1,5mm
Black Nickel
Imitation Hard Enamel
Butterfly clasp