Idea: mel-whv
Design & Supplier: Claudia Siebauer,
mel-whv about this coin project:
"The original idea was to create a small series of 6 coins for the tour to one of the largest lost places in the world, planned in May with friends - as a reminder of this extraordinary journey. Because he knew Claudia and because of the background knowledge that she has, the choice fell on her!
First ideas were exchanged and in no time excellent design ideas came back from We have never tried to become irreverent; This catastrophe has truly done enough harm to humans and the environment. It should be a mix of memorial and travel memory. Glow-in-the-dark should be used as well as neon colors, the shape should definitely not be round. The well-designed elephant foot was a spontaneous idea of Claudia and makes this coin something extraordinary! The skyline with the reactor under the sarcophagus as well as the doll with a gas mask on the window sill, which is known from countless photos, were a must and both found their place on this coin. The danger sign "radioactive" was an absolute must for the front.
It was clear that there should be several versions; We have deliberately avoided a strictly limited AE - from our own experience we know only too well that later on it will be almost impossible for the collectors to get the smallest limitations at reasonable prices. Nevertheless, we were able to realize a small idea - the third version can only be purchased if one can proove that he visited the location!
The Blowout Edition looks dark and threatening just like the disaster in 1986. The color was therefore chosen on purpose. With the Returning Light, the return of nature to the city and the lightening of the whole situation many years after the catastrophe we didn't chosse a black but an antique nickel coin. The Visited Prypjat Editionmwas supposed to come across as a warning with the neon colors, the yellow skyline analogous to the radioactive logo on the front. "
- Size: 56 x 65 mm
- Thickness: 4 mm
- Weight: 66 g
- Prefix: SB
- 2nd-Level Skyline under translucent color
- Trackable at
- custom Icon